Emis Killa is investigated by the Milan Prosecutor's Office for criminal association in the field of the survey on Milanese ultras. A daspo has also been issued for three years the entry into all stadiums to the rapper, who from 11 February will participate in the Sanremo Festival with Demons.
The singer, reports the Corriere della Serawas registered in the register of suspects in the “double curve” investigation of the District Anti -Mafia Directorate which in September led to the application of precautionary measures against prominent exponents of Milan and Inter curves.
There are no more details. It has been known for some time that the rapper has had relations with Luca Lucci, the Ultrà chief of Milan who was arrested. In addition to having a sharing in the Italian Barberia/Tattoos franchise with the Ultrà Fabiano Capuzzo, in turn arrested at the end of September, Emis Killa was present at the aggression of a steward outside San Siro shortly before the Milan game Rome of 11 April. An employee had tried to prevent two fans from entering with a single ticket, the intervention of Digos policemen had prevented the beating from having worse consequences.
Always according to the Courierthe rapper was present in a Skybox of San Siro to attend Milan-Turin together with Lucci to whom the judges had made it possible to return to the stadium after years. On December 26, 2022 Emis Killa participated in a Christmas dinner at Lucci's house. “At his side» writes the Courier “There are other ultrà-criminal that will end up in prison: Islam Hagag, close friend of the” colleague “Fedez, Luciano Romano, Fabiano Capuzzo, Rosario Calabria (linked to the Calabrian gangs) and Daniele Cataldo, now accused of the attempted murder of the” rival ” by Lucci, Enzo Anghinelli in 2019. The same people with whom Emis Killa is photographed in Cologno Monzese outside the bar managed by Lucci on April 1, 2023. On social networks, on the other hand, he sports photographs with other characters considered by investigators close to the Calabrian gangs such as Alfonso Cuturello and Antonio Favasuli ».
At the beginning of October, the judge for the preliminary investigations also spoke of the “working relationships in the music sector” of Lucci. Through relations with artists – the names mentioned were those of Lazza, Tony Effe, Cancun, Guè, Emis Killa – he was able to “increase in exponentially and with very few checks his earnings, starting preliminary agreements aimed at managing the concerts of these artists », In particular in Calabria.
For now Emis Killa has not commented on the news.