Nicol, Bowels feat Fabri Fibra: meaning of the lyrics of the new single
Available on all major streaming and download platforms from Wednesday 20 November, Bowels feat Fabri Fibra (Columbia Records / Sony Music Italy) is the new single by Nicolcompeting in Sanremo Giovani 2024 with the song Like Sea.
But, how did the collaboration between the two artists come about? Bowels was born over two years ago, but remained locked in a drawer for a long time, before Fabri Fibra decides to propose it among the songs on the soundtrack of Adorationthe young adult series Netflix in 6 episodes of which the rapper is the musical supervisor and Nicol one of the protagonists. In fact, the singer-songwriter debuts as an actress in the role of Ariadne.
“When I received the audition which contained the verse written by Fabri Fibra I burst out cry,” he said Nicol.
Then, he added: “What struck me was the intimacy and vulnerability with which Fiber he entered this song, thus giving me a piece of himself. He taught me the importance of patience and perseverance and for this I will be forever grateful to him.”
Nicol, “Viscere” feat Fabri Fibra: meaning of the song
In Bowels Fabri Fibra it is the narrative voice that accompanies Nicol discovering the future and what could happen, sometimes reassuring her. In fact, the central theme of the song is time, in a story between present, past and future. But that's not all! In fact, in the song the two artists also talk about an intimate struggle between the desire to let go and the need for control, giving life to an intense and engaging song.
“Viscere”: lyrics of the song
The lyrics of the song, part of the soundtrack of the series Netflix Adorationwill be available starting Wednesday 20 November.