It is the dawn of a new year, but it seems the end of the world. The cold is humid, and stings strongly. Dozens we get into the covered areas of the Monk Club, while the rain thickens and chastise those who are coming on foot so as not to get lost, set at 19.45. The now historic place in via Mirri has in fact started an interesting experimentation, the so -called “concerts early” who offer the public a second life at the end of a live. On the most locally Sunday in January, at the gates of the notorious Blue MondayZu from Ostia are about to return home once again in a mini-touch of very few dates. While the rain becomes less relentless, from the main room of the Monk the first agreements fired by the deflores, the duo made up of Christian Ceccarelli (bass, synthesizers) and Emiliano di Lodovico (guitars, synthesizers). A explosive mix of electronic tribalism, groove Distorted in the smell of metal and doom, atmospheres between the disturbing psychedelia and the noise-rock. An excellent appetizer before the large binge, perfectly in line with the level of experimentation and versatility expected by the public, which in fact applauds the band of “Human Indo[b]strial “.
Just before 19.50, while the new stage is prepared, the rain has curbed its crazy race, favoring all of us smokers. Two hooded boys discuss with Math-rock's ardor, while there is no younger visibly amused in remembering when Danny Devito left everyone speechless by surprisingly presenting the performance with Mike Patton. Just a year later the Zu would have published what many call “the masterpiece”, “Carboniferous”. The climax record, the one that will bring the band in front of 30 thousand people together with Chris Cornell, Chile, before the separation and the long hiatus between 2011 and 2014.
Not even ten minutes pass and we are there, the zu climbs on stage without saying a word, leaving the whole voice to the apocalyptic attack of “Pantokrator”, between funeral nenia and cacophonies entrusted to the case. In formation with Paolo Mongardi (Fuzz Orchestra, Zeus and Traum) on drums, the historians Massimo Pupillo (bass) and Luca T. Mai (sax baritone) report the sound of the group at the roots, again in contact with the most intimate live dimensions.
From the 2014 EP of the same name, “Goodnight, Civilization” proves to be a dark and relentless mix of Noise and Jazz-Metal, offering the public already in ecstasy the first avant-garde outbursts of the wind. The groove Between grind And Doom He leads the ride “The Usen War”, followed seamlessly by the shotguns of “Rudra Dances Over Burning Rome”, still from the album “Cortar Todo” (2015).
The concert acquires with the passing of the minutes a brutal charge, as if to bring an apocalyptic message. From “Cortar Todo” to “No Pasa Nada”, the sonic car of the Zu shines in its metal chrome, as if to drive a new industrial era. The crescendo in drone-side of “Confllet Acceleration” introduces the first recovery of the evening from the “Carboniferous” manifest disc, the assault version of “Erinys” which brings balance between rhythmic order and cacophonic chaos. From martial drilling “Obsidian” to the drifts Math-Core In “Chthonian”, the trio returns to explore the best known and appreciated album live, sublime expression of a sonic anarchy and an absolute stylistic indecipherability.
The first set ends up among the thunderous applause, before the full -bodied bis opened by the claustrophobic “Carbon”. Sax and Basso trigger the free-jazz rhythm of “Blessed Viscera”, followed by the noise outbursts of “Axion”. The end word is on the Doom atmospheres of “Vantablack Vomitorium”, after about ninety minutes played at all pressing on the tools. Despite the different professional interruptions, the Ostia Zu still know very well how to send the audience with a brute, bewitching, dark force.
Daniel D`Amico for SANREMO.FM