On Tuesday after the Federal Government Will Implement to Freeze on Tens of Billions of Dollars in Federal Grants. President Donald Trump Oiled The Stop As Part of His Larger Effort To Purge The Government of Programs and ExpendiTures Promoting Diversity Initives, But the Suspension Will Have A Wide Ranging Impact On A Host of Federally Fundred Programs.
In a Memo First Obtained by Independent Journalist Marisa Kabas, Office of Management and Budget (OB) Matthew J. Vaeth Wrote that “The Use of Federal Resources to Advance Marxist Equity, Transgenderism, and Green New Deal Social Engineering Policies is a Waste of taxpayer dollars that does not improve the day-to-day lives of those we serve. ”
“Federal Agencies Must Temporily Pause all Activities Related to Obligation or Disbursement of All Federal Financial Assistance, and other Relevant Agency Activities that May BE Implicated by the Executive Orders, Including, But Not Limited to, Financial Assistance for Foreign Aid, Nongovernntial. , Wake Gender Ideology, and the Green New Deal, “The Memo Continued, with an exception for” Assistance Provided Directly to individuals, “like social security and medicare.
In The First Days of His Presidentcy, Trump Has Signed Several Executive Orders Targe Targe Foreign Aid, Environmental Spending, and Federal Diversity and Inclusion Program, but the Obra -order Represents a Power Play That Directly affectory Millions of American 'Access to Publicly Fund. The Order's Vague Wording Means Critical Safety Net Programs That Are Not Structured AS Direct Payments from A Government Agency to Individuals Could Be affected. Programs Like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Snap), Which Are Fundred Through Federal Grants Butitated At A State Level in What Is Known A as “Pass Through” Grant May Be Forced to Halt Payments. Over 60 percent of snap participants are families with children. The Children's Health Insurance Program (Chip) is Also Funded via Pass-Through Grants That May Render Large Swaths of Beneficiaries Vulnerable Under The New Order. The Trump Administration Has Not Clarified If Such Pass-Through Grants would exempt from the Directives Enforcement. The Order Issued Tuesday is scant on details, in General.
Some members of Congress Have Challenged Trump's Ability to Carry Out Such An Order, Under The Argument that It's the Legislative Branch That approoves Grant Spending – Not the President. “Congress approved these investments and they are not optional, they are the law,” Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer (DN.Y.) Wrote on social media. “These Grants Help Communities in Red States and Blue States and Support Families, Help Parents Raise Kids, and Lead to Stronger Communities.”
In a separate posts, Schumer Accused the President of “Jeopardizing Billions Upon Billions of Community Grants and Financial Support That Help Millions of People Across the Country.”
“It will mean Missed Payrolls and Rent Payments and Everything in Between: Chaos For Everything from University to Non-Profit Charities, State Disaster Assistance, Local Law Ephorcement, Aid to the Elderly, and Food For Those in Need,” He Wrote.
Senate Apparages Committee Vice Chair Patty Murray (D-Wash.) And House Apparages Committee Ranking Member of the Rosa Delauro (D-Conn.), Wrote in a letter to vaeth That the broom of the Order “is breathtaking, unprocents, and will have devasting consequentces across the country. ”
“This Administration's Actions Will Have Far-Cneaching Consequences for Nearly All Federal Programs and Activities, Putting the Financial Security of Our Families, Our National Security, and the Subcre of Our Country At Risk,” The Lawmakers Wrote.