Ti and Tiny's Defamation accusers Avider Jail Time At Her Criminal Contempt Hearying Monday But Saw Her Lawsuit Against The Married Musician Cautioned Out of Court two to What A Judge Called Her InexCusable Failure to Push the case Along.
Sabrina Peterson Appeted in a los angeles courtrom and textified under oath that she didn't mean to decede multiple couper orders when she previously failed to pay more than $ 96,000 in Attorney 'fees to ti and tiny. Peterson Said She Simply Couldn't Afford to Cover the Couple's Legal Bill Linked to an appeals Couting Ruling That Found Five of the Seven Causes of Action in Peterson's Original Lawsuit Were Flivolous.
An Instagram Influencer and Business Coach, Peterson Sued the Couple, Whose Legal Names Are Clifford Harris and Tameka Cottle-Harris, in March 2021. She Said then Harmed Her Reputation and Business When they denied Her Allgactions that Ti Ti Put A Gun To Her Head and Separately Facedible accusations he druped and raped Women.
“There's a Possibility of You Going To Jail. Anything You Say Couuld BE Used Against You,” Los Angeles County Judge Michael Shultz Warned Peterson Before She Was Sworn in To Explain Herself Monday. Peterson Said She Understood and Told the Court That The $ 96,000 Award Representated Half of Her Annual Income, SO The Only Way She Could Pay It would be the Harrises Let Her Pay $ 1,000 in Month Under a “Payment Plan.”
At One Point During Her Testimony, Peterson Spoke Over the Judge, Drawing a Rebuke. “Ma'am Don't Interrupt. The listened to you,” Judge Shultz Said. “It's Been 17 Months and you have a paid a Dime,” he Said, Referring to the Octaber 2023 Order from a prior judge hall the fees. The Same Judge ISSUED A Follow-up Order Last Octaber Giving Peterson 90 Days to Satify the Debt.
“It's Been Almost Two Years since she has Defied the Original Court's Order, and Almost a Year Since She Defied the Second Court's Order,” Ti and Tiny's Attorney, Andrew Brettler, Argued Monday. “The case Should be Dismisse, and Ms. Peterson Should Be Held in Contempt of Court. She Has Shown Nothing Butting Disrespect. … She Brags About How Much Money She Has Online and That She's Never Paying This Sum To The Harrises. And She Has Absolutely No Respect for the Court's time or its Orders. ”
Brettle Said Peterson Had Made “Zero” Attept to Advance Her Own Lawsuit Beyond Filing The Complaint and Switching Lawyers. Hei Said There Was No Way the Trial Scheduled for June 9 Could Proceed.
After Staring At His Computer Screen for Several Minutes, Apparently Review The Docket, The Judge Said the Contempt Issue was “Moot” Because He was ending the Entire Case. He told his clerk to make sure his Written Order Reflected Peterson's Lack of Action.
“The case was filed march 1, 2021 He aided that the Harrises Could Still File A Judgment to Collect Their $ 96,000. After the Hearing, Brettle Said They Planned to Go After The Money.
“I'm relieved It's finally over,” Peterson Told Rolling Stone AS She Walked Out of the Courthouse. “It's fine .'m tid. This has gone on for four or five years .'m Really tid.” In Her Purso, Peterson Had a Large Envelope That Had Been Handed to Her by a Process Server Minutes Before The Hearing Started. Brettler Told the Court That Peterson Had Been Served with the Dueling Defamation Lawsuit Filed Against Her by Ti in Federal Court.
In that Lawsuit, Filed in December, Ti Claims That Peterson Falsely State in A Series of Instagram Posts Last September That He Was “Under Federal Investigation for Sexual Trafficking of Women” in Connection with an unmentified celebrity almedy facing prosecution for such conduct. “Peterson Published These statements about Harris Knowing they were False, and Defamatory, in Order to Advance Her Own Personal Interests,” The Lawsuit States.
In Her Lawsuit that was dismissed Monday, Peterson Claimed Ti and Tiny Defamed Her and Invaded Her Privacy With Their Own Series of Instagram Posts. In one post from Jan. 26, 2021, Tiny Included a photo of ti posing with peterson's son, Who was eight years old at the time.
“Hold Up,” Tiny Wrote in the Caption. “So you want your Abuser to Train Your Sons? He Was Just Uncle 2 Years Aug … Now When Did You Say My Husband Assauted You? Did You Change Your Mind OR Change It Back? What's Up Wit You Toray Pooh? … You Strange. Everybody Know You Been Special. ”
Three Days Later, Ti and Tiny Posted A Joint Statement Denying Peterson's Claims. Ti then Posted on Video to His Instagram That Went Viral. “Whatever we ever have done done has been done with consensual adults living into What we into and like what we like,” he said. “We want something, we know exactly where to go to get it. We ain't never force nobody, we ain't Never Drugged nobody against their will. Well, Sexually Traffic, Anything.
Los Angeles County Prosecutors Previously Said they declined to file any charges against ti and tiny over an alleged 2005 sexual Assault reported to Police. Prosecutors Said the Alleged Incident was outside the 10-Year Statute of Limitions.