Article by Marzia Picciano
In order to be able to effectively summarize thought, modus operandi and style of Achille Lauro just keep in mind what he said today today 5 February at DG Martini Of Milanin the pre-press conferenceSanremo: “I know how to fail with great enthusiasm“.
A sort of obligation confessional, before the beginning of the week par excellence of Italian music, where he returns after two and a half years of silence and a new approach, but as he makes us understand, always very faithful to himself. Which with Achille de Marinis It is always surprising, as he wants him. However, keeping on this tour with a diktat Very precise staff: doing things well, don't look for competition. And it seems worried, as the bookmakers say, it's “at risk of victory ”, to find themselves competing with Giorgiawith which, among other things, a relationship of mutual and profound esteem was born in the last edition XFactor.
If we understand one thing at the end of the conference it is that Sanremo will be only the beginning of the return of Achille Lauro under all the spotlight. NOnly of the music, crowned by the Circus Maximus in a double date announced today, today to June 26, also on 1st July). There is the social commitment of the Foundation, of the artistic planning of the new talents, etc.
But let's start with music.
The one between Lauro and the Festival And a complex relationship, to be honest, but not And Indeed resentful. “That baptism in Sanremo ruined my life!”He says jokingly thinking about 2019 of Rolls Royce on stage Ariston. To those who remind him of the lawsuit Following his looks (and this year he will be with D&G), he replies with great seriousness: “I have always been in my Sanremo“, As indeed in its production. “I go to the studio with a white sheet. Every day I want to explore something. I try to be truly free in my artistic research“. And again: “I am a craftsman, I do my ideas at night“.
He feels too presumptuous to define what he does as art. But in any case this art “You have to move something inside. My strength is to take all the real feelings and transport them to songs. I realize that it is a path of growth (referring to its musical evolution ed)“But for him it's about doing this:”Leave something important, leave great songs … I will also make a certain entertainment music. But then there are the diamatini and the sincere music. Rolls Royce It was a sincere song, despite not being a ballad“. And it is pleased with how in the end a song like that succeeded perfectly in the mission designed by Lauro: not even being his, but of all, also put up to weddings.

“The thing I don't like is that my projects are not fully understood. Next to me there are people who dream big. We walk on a thread, always or everything. or nothing“. Lauro is calm, thinks and weighs a lot what he says, takes all the questions seriously, every question is an opportunity to clarify, specify, underline the work that he and his team do as a great fantastic car. In the car is Obviously included Boss doms that even if there is not on the Sanremo stage And always his best friend, as well as “a visionary person who sees beyond the present“.
This is because Achille Lauro since we had the opportunity to see him under several fronts has given the opportunity to make it clear that he is a very serious person. And in fact, he immediately dismantles the questions about gossip Corona-Fedez-Ferragni reminding everyone that he goes to Sanremo to work and leaves the gossip to those who do it of a job – and that he always remade the betrayals and women And Also violence, the one we always talk about.
Is not preparing it's not just the festival. “Sanremo is the icing, but we have a great cake below. Everything is going very well“He says about his new disc in finalization. In the meantime we enjoy Young unconsciouswhich is the advance of his new artistic idea, the one that resumes Mothers guys. “My first Urban album was a cry of despair, he talked about vacuum sick boys. I find a lot of that album in Rolls Royce, Desperate love And Young unconscious“.
Who these are Young unconscious? An evolution of Mother guys, Following in the footsteps of two lovers on the suburbs of the capital. “I changed five hundred genres, a crazy horse. But there is a common thread. Those unconscious young people are I am the young me, whom I see as an adult. I'm glad I haven't been more twenty years old. I can't wait to be 65 years old“!” The concept of the song tells us, it is important: that of dismantled love for someone or something.
Then the duet with Elodie (with whom he had hoped to work for some time), that medley Of As Gaetano/Cocciante byand the bside Crazy city Of Loredana Bertéobviously they are part of an artistic project in line with the call to Pantheon of the stars that has carried out so far. “It is a tribute to Rome“. A little like love for his city. “I take a mad city: a non -mainstream song, refined, that speaks of a crazy city of which it is in love with and from which you cannot go away“. The look will also be in this sense: “It refers to the retro world. A crash between Elvis of Can't Help Falling in Love and the Roman songwriter”By Venditti, Califano etc etc.
On Young unconscious But he wants to emphasize that it will really be him. We will be Lauro-Essential. “Will be an eye of ox, me and the song“
And to underline that nothing is done by chance, he also announces his home in Sanremo a place to meet, see emerging artists, and above all drink at night. For that awaits us. We are waiting for him in Sanremo.
Daniel D`Amico for SANREMO.FM