“Like a king” is a direct song as a slap that wakes us up from torpor. The song describes a situation in which everything can fall except the belief of believing in what you are. An ruined king that, helpless, sees his nobility collapse and lets things go as they have to go except losing his way of being. A king can become a bankrupt but also a bankrupt can become a king!
The artists thus comment on the new release: “The story of an illogical and irrational king. A poor king convinced of being rich. Able to live in his mental wealth, despite having nothing more. Apparently manages to ignore the bad economic condition in which he finds himself continuing to face life in the middle of his, now few, possibilities.”
The video clip of “Come a king”, directed by Biagio Cilia and Eleonora Trebastoni, with the photograph of Rosario Lo Forte, is set in a noble palace in decline. The protagonist is an ruined king, played by the well -known actor Alessandro Cremona (known for his roles in 007 Specter, Ferrari, one lives only once, Mamia Mamma), who vague immersed in a lone delirium. The reality that surrounds him is dusty and desolate. The king, now alone, has turned into his own servitude: butler, cook, domestic. Prepare dishes elaborated for a banquet in which he will only participate. At dinner he sits on the leader, surrounded by empty chairs and an opulence that knows of decline. His routine is an attempt to preserve the illusion of the nobility: he dusts statues, he pruaes the hedges of the garden, he reads a book. But the building seems to be scrutinized with invisible looks, between candelabra that trembles and distorted reflections that silently observe it.
Only in the final scene, the building suddenly seems to come back to life. A dinner comes alive: the long table is now crowded with festive and elegant guests, including the band itself. The man sits motionless in the leader, silent and thoughtful. Finally, he gets up, leaves the palace and gets lost in a dark cellar, leaving an echo of mystery and melancholy.
The sole part
In law, the sole part “… it is an autonomous legal entity and distinct from the natural person …”.
In music, “the sole partner” was born from an idea by Luca Collodoro (musician and frontman) who, after gaining different experiences in the Italian and London music scene, decides to take full responsibility for his artistic future, involving two other unique members in the adventure: Roberto La Monica and Andrea Farina. A band with a clear and sincere sound that does not compromise and goes straight to the point. Just as often happens in life: when everything seems to fall around, the only foam is to rely on our strength that we find out only when we accepted the condition of being alone. At that same instant we realize that we are unique members. Everyone is the sole part of their own life. The sounds of “The sole partner” are the perfect soundtrack for our emotions: hard and scratching but at the same time soft and intense. Conflicting feelings that is worth facing if you want to get out of comfort zone and become masters of your life.
The first single released in June 2024 is “Immobile sentinel”, for Needa Records, distributed by Virgin/ Universal Music Group. It is contained in a larger collection of songs recorded in Zen Arcade by Cesare Basile with the help of the artistic production of Giusi Jp Passalacqua and the sound engineer of Sala Sebastiano D'Amico, produced by Il Member Sole and Guido Andreani, burned by Alessandro “Gengy” of Guglielmo at the Zenith Area of Monza. He also participated in the recording and drafting of the songs also right currents (formerly drummer forms of Dimartino, the list representative, lights of the power plant, Black Eyed Dog, Nicolò Carnei, Maria Antonietta, Fabrizio Cammarata & the Second Grace).
With the second single “Never return” released in November 2024 they sign for Matilde discs and the new manager Davide Maggioni. They come into distribution with Artist First. To complete the musical experience, he never returns is accompanied by two direct video clips (like all their videos) by Eleonora Trebastoni, Biagio Cilia and the photograph of Rosario Lo Forte. The two works explore the same emotion from opposite angles: “Never return | Outside” focuses on the emotion seen from the outside, a symbolic and introspective representation that keeps the viewer with suspended breath. The second video “never return | Inside” offers an inner journey, immersing the viewer in the protagonist's thoughts and intimate sensations.
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Daniel D`Amico for SANREMO.FM