The official documentary Becoming Led Zeppelin which tells the story of the group of Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and John Bonham has a release date in Italy. Distributed by Nexo, it will arrive in our cinemas on February 27th to remain there until March 5th (the list of theaters is not yet available).
“With Becoming Led Zeppelin» says director Bernard MacMahon « my goal was to make a new type of film, a documentary that resembled a musical. I wanted to intertwine the four different stories of the group members before and after the formation of the band, having large parts of their story told only by music and images, in order to link the songs to the places where they were created and the events that inspired them ».
The documentary contains new testimonies from Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones and an unpublished interview with John Bonham. The period performances are reproduced in full. «I used only original films and negatives, with over 70 thousand frames restored manually, and I created fantasy sequences, inspired by Singin' In The Rainoverlaying previously unseen footage of live performances with photomontages of posters, tickets and travel, to visually recreate the sense of frenzy of their beginnings.”