Article by Marzia Picciano
The Eugenio in via di Gioia I am a band we can say 'amena' in the Italian music scene. It will be because in my very personal opinion, they are a training based on the concept of chorality. “Yes, our audience is really good at singing“They joke about when you tell him. We must explain that my idea of chorality comes from that of the literary genre. And no, it is not because there are four Turin voices to sing, those of Eugenio Cesaro, Emanuele via, Paolo Di Gioia, Lorenzo Federici, United since 2012. But because they commit themselves to talking, or rather, singing, and also to do (of them the moments of creativity that have reached national reach) something common have not been escaped them.
It is not said that it is not a prolific band. I am already on the fifth album. What we talk about with them a few days ago.
“In fact I begin to feel some effort“Jokes Manuele. “No, it's not true. The effort is never there. In fact we can't wait to do the sixth”He says Eugenio. In the middle, a tour that starts on April 4th. No, the energy is not lacking.
Love is everythinglast work released this Friday 21 March with Carosello Records Insime to the team of Woodwormit's a good excuse to face this aspect. Not only as as a last album of the band, a job made of lights and shadows, albeit constantly immersed in an aura of positivity (I can't help but be hoped by listening to it). After all, you can not be positive when you speak and think about love, of this strength that carries on us, despite everything?
The Eugenio in via di Gioia declare that three years after their latest album, the ten songs of Love is everything Today they represent them more than any other song never played before.
Let's start with this representation of them and humanity. And starting from the individual Darkwho anticipated the album.
To launch the single they collaborated with Songs on the phoneproject founded by Didie Cariaadmirer of the band and fans of their ability to communicate in an always new and out of the box, which allows you to search for more than 250 singers enrolled in the platform and choose, making a donation, the most suitable item to deliver your dedication, a song present in the artist's repertoire that will sing it on the phone to the recipient of the gift.

The piece is a circular construction on a swirling level that explodes in a climax that is nothing more than the amplification, unsuspectedly harmonious, of a growing anxiety. It's also love, why love is everything?
He answers us Eugenio. “Love is everything … and this is also, this solitude, it is also loneliness. I don't want to make a treaty, because this disc wants, in some way, to address and deepen the theme also of the flow of consciousness and emotions. Unlike our previous albums, we have deepened the extraordinary nature of simplicity which, however light remains, we hope at least that it is not perceived and – for us it is not so – superficial. We went to the essence of our songs. ”
Let's try to explain. “Trying to define love by telling it is a bit like trying to explain music. I can't do it. I can't tell you, here there is a do, here there is a king diesis, here there is a seventh one, but … you will never hear it. So we tried to let ourselves go to the experience. Then experience made us understand that love is actually in every single moment of our life. Love will forever remain a question mark … and therefore it cannot be told, explaining it would mean reducing it. I stop because otherwise I really am really trying to explain it!“
No here then becomes a cul de sac. And then returning to the single …
“Buio is certainly a difficult aspect to accept in one's life, because one analyzes, we face the solitude given by technology, from the times that run, from the distance … but also within these moments of darkness, the light comes with with mantra, with the search for a harmony within the silence, which is often deafening“.”
How did you arrive, disco after disk, is love in love? How is this work in your story?
“Compared to the beginning, this album is more Arch! And Lorenzo Federici, who are our first works where the Teatro-Canzone was the master, also for a matter of context: we had started playing on the street so it was almost the best language way to be able to get to people. Then our evolution in artistic research passed from the community, from the sense of belonging to a society in which we wanted to find a meeting between people, And revolution we arrived with this fifth album in Love is everything.
So, we removed the revolution, not because it was not important, but it is as if love contained it. There is no revolution without love, but a much more intimate and personal revolution. Because what is inside the ego is in the world. We say it in the last song that closes the record: the whole world here speaks of you, but you don't know what you are looking for. Because this you obviously is an ego, and a us, and all. Everything talks about me, of how I see the world, and in the meantime I'm looking at me. The lenses with which I see the world talk about me, they tell who I am. Much more than what the world tells “.
Speaking of the world, start the disc with a piece called Another America. A passionate ballad introduced by a marked crescendo.
“Another America that can be seen in many ways, with many meanings. From another America, different from what we are experiencing today, therefore concretely the America we are talking about can be seen as the current continent, or as the metaphor of America, that is, a new world. Of a search for something very distant, dangerous and strange, but at a certain point it becomes so trivial as to become a way of saying that exact opposite: you discovered hot water, you discovered America! For us here the banality I was talking about before, that simplicity, actually hides the essence of wonder that is that of the child, who stops seeking knowledge of himself, but begins to feel things, to expel them“.”
These concepts also communicated them in a way that is very indicative of what you are affirming. You have Turin, which is your home, as a huge game-game where you talked about Earthhere too in a great act of love.
On this Paolo He replies from the future, the one after pre-listening for which they were organized and designed absolutely in line with the Eugenioinviadigioia-pennsiero. It is “Of the idea of collecting our fans in specific points, in Italy and in reality also in the world, because there have been demands from all over the world. We will open geolocation, that is, the circumferences, specific circles in cities, where people can meet, enter this circle, listen to the record in preview. “
All through a special site, a link on social media: outside the circle you cannot listen to the disc.
“It is the idea of gathering our fans or even curious people and being taking a moment, relaxation, time. Here is a moment that the world is now frenetic now. We are all taken, we all have many commitments, and therefore what would happen if we took a moment to listen to a yarn disc, a flow of music that lasts the entire disc? You can listen to it yarn from Tokyo, where one of these pre-listeners will take place, in Australia, to Italy all not all of Italy by Gabry Ponte Peró! “ jokes.
A few days ago the place of pre-listening to Milan was the metro stop-not surprisingly-joy. In Turin it was Piazza Carignano, the point where the band started playing. The communication point is to meet – and if you want to find them, it is still possible to do it March 26 to Rome at the Feltrinelli in via Appia Nuova and the March 27th to Bologna in the Feltrinelli Ravegnana – Acquaderni Gallery (always from 18:00).

Continues Eugenio. “In a world that goes into an unbridled race and it seems that it passes it in the fruit, and there is no way to cling to anything, this disc also wants to be a way to slow down. Our awareness was precisely this, that of knowing us and saying: we can be a little slower. We can also ask the people who follow us to take a little slower step and take time to savor the things that happen. Here is all the speech of love, to live the present without projecting or to the future, in the past, what happens“.”
It is incredible how much these initiatives manage to create a real involvement of people, from so many places in the world then.
“In all these years, this involvement has always been spontaneously, both in the initiatives we have done, let's say creative, live, to look at people after the concerts, when we meet them around and therefore this spontaneously creates this corality in which, as I said before, the whole world speaks of you. By climbing what is our relationship between the four of us, with the people who come to hear us, it is nothing different from what happens. We really realized the fifth album that maybe enough, less is more, it was enough to say less. Already the songs spoke for us, our way of being in the world tells who we are much more than all the words we can insert“.
Difficult to reduce to a minimum when love is everything. But the Eugenio in via di Gioia in some way, they do it.
These are the dates of “Love is all – Club Tour 2025”produced and organized by Magellan Concerts:
April 4, 2025 Perugia – Afterlife
April 5, 2025 ROME – Atlantic
April 7, 2025 MILAN – Fabrique
April 9, 2025 Padua – hall
April 10, 2025 FLORENCE – Viper Theater
April 16, 2025 Bologna – Estragon
April 17, 2025 Turin – Theater Concordia
May 20, 2025 NAPLES – Heroes Festival (House of Music Federico I)
Tickets for sale at this link>
Daniel D`Amico for SANREMO.FM