Rapper Shade was attacked and robbed by two people near his home in Turin. He told the story yesterday in a video shared on his Instagram profile, in which he retraced and commented on the dynamics of what happened.
“Last night I was attacked. The paradoxical thing is that I've been walking around Queens, Brooklyn, Harlem, at any time of day or night for the last week, and nothing has ever happened to me. I return to Italy, under my house, bam! These two shady individuals approached me, put me against the wall, one of them put his hand around my neck and started squeezing hard. At that point I felt I had the right, in friendship, to throw a chestnut in their face, simply to free myself, wriggle free and run away, which is what I actually did. They tried to trip me, they started yelling at me, then they realized that people were starting to look out because they could hear the screaming and they ran away.”
The stolen goods? Shade continues: «He managed to take off the necklace I was wearing that was worth about 40 euros, it was more sentimental value than anything else».
The biggest comment on the incident is instead reserved for the intervention of the police, called by the artist. “What I regret is that I called the police and that it took them more than 5 minutes to answer me. From the switchboard to which I had to explain the whole dynamics, they then passed me to the police to whom I had to explain the whole dynamics again. What you will say, it's only 5 minutes. In a situation like this, in my opinion it's a lot. Imagine if they had chased me with a knife: goodbye and thank you. Luckily I only got out of it with a few marks, I'm fine”.
In conclusion: “All's well that ends well. I'm just sorry that we don't deserve to walk around the streets and see these things happen.”