The images in which Selena Agomez shows herself in tears for what is happening in America are going around the world: «All my people are attacked, children. I do not understand. I'm so sorry, I would like to be able to do something but I can't. I don't know what to do. I will try to do everything, I promise it ».
The singer and actress refers to the program of expulsions of illegal migrants started by President Trump. According to the ICE (immigration and custom enforcement), 956 people were arrested on Sunday 26 January. After many negative comments that arrived online, the pop star has removed the video, and then adds: “Apparently it is not right to show empathy for people”.
“In the 70s, my aunt crossed the border from Mexico to the United States hidden in the back of a van. My grandparents followed her and my father was born shortly after in Texas. In 1992, I was born American town thanks to their courage and sacrifice, “he wrote in an article published in Time in 2019.” In the last four decades, the members of my family have worked hard to obtain citizenship of the United States. But immigration goes beyond politics and newspaper titles. It is a human question, which affects real people, dismantling real lives. The way we face it talks about our humanity, our empathy, our compassion. The way we deal with our fellow men defines who we are ».