- Bands:
NECROMANIAC - Duration: 00:48:39
- Available from: 01/13/2025
- Label:
Invictus Productions
Streaming not yet available
It is a sulphurous and imposing cast iron cauldron that welcomes us in this 2025 that has just begun. To mix the dark mixture, four supporters of sonic necromancy coming from the most disparate corners of Europe – Sweden, Spain, Greece and Poland: a magical and cursed quadrilateral that met in 2011 in London with the name of Necromaniac, giving life to a singular form, despite its substantial old-school derivation of the genres, of black-thrash and death, the 'soft metal'. Morbidity duly celebrated with the first demo of 2015 and made even wilder in 2018 with the EP “Subterranean Death Rising”, where a cursed line largely supported by feral impulses à la Possessed had largely taken over.
Today, however, the macabre ritual has revised – or rather, remodeled – its formula from top to bottom, making the atmosphere even more dark and epic, exacerbating the dark side, and giving prestige to a more mature work and, once the deadline has passed, superfine. Thus was born Necromaniac's official debut: “Sciomancy, Malediction & Rites Abominable”: a sinister album, containing nine forbidden liturgies steeped in witchcraft, perfectly reflecting what the high-sounding title and accompanying cover promise to unleash.
An obsessive search for death, for which the four shamans asked for help from two illustrious guests: on the one hand AA Nemtheanga of Primordial, protagonist of the howling moans of the opener “Caput Draconis”, on the other Nameless Void of Negative Plane, in action in the final “Necromancess”. With them, the enigmatic figure, credited as 'A Corpse Without Soul', author of the voices in “Calling Forth The Shade” and in the lugubrious litany signed “Conjuration Of St.Cyprian”.
A proven sect for an initiation rite in which snickering laughter surrounds luciferine black-thrash edges (“Daemonomantia”, “Grave Mound Oath” and “Teraphim “Skull Sorcery”), unleashing the devil between tight, blast-beat riffs in series and war drums, to make the surrounding smoke even more blackened, with the Possessed crossing Black Witchery, arrows of Slayer in the background and scolding from the first Gorgoroth to close the diabolical pentacle.
The monologue of the aforementioned “Conjuration Of St. Cyprian” and the furious incantation “Calling Forth the Shade” properly coagulate the deadly uvula of the third and mysterious guest with their funereal and burning sound progression. A descent into the darkest and most putrid crypt, at the service of black magic.
Daniel D`Amico for SANREMO.FM