Three special summer dates for John Lydon's band: i Public Image Ltd. They will be live on Saturday 19 July at the Cinzella Festival, at the Cave di Fantiano a Grottaglie (TA)Sunday 20 at the Bonsai of Bolognaat the Park of the Rosse Barracks and Monday 21 at the Mojotic Festival in Genoaat the Arena del Mare.
19/07/2025 – Cinzella Festival, Cave di Fantiano – Grottaglie (TA)
20/07/2025 – Bonsai, Red Caseme Park – Bologna
21/07/2025 – Mojotic Festival, Arena del Mare – Genoa
Tickets for sale>
GDP dates for 2025 come after Lydon had thought that the band could no longer go on tour. His friend of a life and manager, John Rambo Stevens, suddenly missed after the last tour of the GDPs, in December 2023, shortly after the death of Lydon's wife, Nora, in April of the same year.
Lydon thought that that could be the end of his live concert activity. However, he was overwhelmed by the love and support of the fans when he embarked on a spoken word tour in the United Kingdom in the spring of last year.
Lydon He said: “I thought it could be the end. After losing Nora and Rambo, I could not see a way out. I had already committed myself to the spoken word tour, this spring, and I never disappointed anyone – I always keep the word given – so I had to do those dates “.
“The fact is that people were so enthusiastic and asked me to bring GDPs back on tour. With so many people who asked me, I couldn't stay on my sofa and not to go on tour, however much a temptation was. “
After being the frontman of Sex PistolsJohn Lydon formed i Public Image Ltd (GDP)seminal post-punk band. Amply considered as one of the most innovative groups of all time, their music and their vision was worth 5 singles in the British top 20 and 5 albums in the British top 20.
With a changing formation and a unique sound – which melts rock, dance, folk, pop and dub – Lydon has guided the band from the debut album “First Issue” of 1978 up to “That what is not” of 1992, before a 17 -year break.
Lydon reactivated GDPs in 2009 by participating in many tours and publishing three albums acclaimed by critics, “This is pil” (2012), “What the world needs now …” (2015) e “End of World” (2023).
Public Image Ltd (GDP)
19/07/2025 – Cinzella Festival, Cave di Fantiano – Grottaglie (TA)
20/07/2025 – Bonsai, Red Caseme Park – Bologna
21/07/2025 – Mojotic Festival, Arena del Mare – Genoa
Tickets for sale>
Daniel D`Amico for SANREMO.FM