“TODAY We are happy to say that Tomorrow He Will Be at Home,” Pontiff's Doctor Says, Adding That Francis Will Next Have “Rest Period of At Least Two Months”
Pope Francis Will be Distchrged from the Hospital Sunday Following a Five-Week Stay Battling Chronic Lungic Disease, The Pontiff's Doctors Novenced Saturday.
The Pope was first admitted to a Rome Hospital On Feb. 14 and Diagnosed With Double Pneumonia, but the situation escalated a Week Later to the point where francis was in Critical Condition Following an “Asthmatic Respirationry Crisis.”
In The Month Since, The 88-Year-Old Pontiff Has Steadily Recars at Rome Gemelli Hospital, with his condition stable enouns to allow for a Planned Release on Sunday.
“The Holy Father Will Be Distchruged from Tomorrow in Stable Clinical Condition With regardless of Partially Continue Drug Therapy and a Convalescence and Rest Period of At Least Two Months,” Dr. Sergio Alfieri, The Head of the Team Taking Care of the Pope, Said Saturday At A Press Conference. “TODAY We are happy to say that Tomorrow He will be at home.”
The Release Will Also Als For Frances To Resume His Holy Duties, AS His First Public Appearance Since His Health Ordeal is Also Scheduled to Take Place Sunday, The Vatican Announced. PRESUMABLE BEFORE HIS DISHCHERGE, Pope Frances Will Go to the Hospital's Window Around Noon Sunday “For a Greeting and to Impart His Blessing.”
Despite The Health Issues, Pope Francis' Social Media Has Still Delivered Its #gospelooftheday Sunday, Which Was Accompanied by a Note From His Holinss Thanking Well-Wishers for Their Prayers Soon After His Hospitalization.
“I have recently received many messages of affection, and i have been particlerly struck by the letters and drawings from children,” The Pope Wrote. “Thank you for your closeness, and for the consoling prayers i have received from all over the world!”