Article by Roberta Ghio | Photo of Andrea Ripamonti
In the instant in which I enter the large room of the space PARKin via Ambrogio Binda 30, Milan, I start to breathe “beauty”, thanks to the expanse of photos, or rather, masterpieces of Henry Ruggeriwho with the precision of a sniper has stopped over time the image of artists who wrote the history of rock, intent on … writing that wonderful story!
But when, after downloading the app Notaway® frame the photo of the Arctic Monkeys (one of the first of the route) A jolt, a knot in the throat: on the screen of my smartphone it appears Massimo Cottowho with his extravagant glasses of ordinance and his friendly make, tells me anecdotes about the band of Sheffield, with the naturalness of all time. Real. Real. Thus began my personal walk with him, who talks to me about Waters, Springsteen, Florence and many others. An immersion in immersion.

And time stops, as it points out Chiara Burattiwife of Massimo Cotto:
The beauty of stopping from all the chaos that surrounds us and entering another dimension, making an experience, connecting us with the artist, thanks to the eye of Henry and the story of Massimo, who speaks to you and looks at you.
I follow the Instagram page of Pictures of Youwe talked about Rockon, I knew what I would see, but as long as I was not there in front of a photo with the phone in hand, I really didn't understand what the power of this connection between photography, story and technology was.

On the latter we are often divided. On several occasions it happens to think how technology, aseptic, cold, if on the one hand it simplifies some things to us, on the other it seems to us to take away others, from romanticism to work. But in this exhibition it gives us a lot. It gives us value, culture, warmth. He manages to make us feel in a hug. And above all, he makes sure to keep the story and the importance he has for our nourishment alive. As well underlines Manuel Agnelliin his words during the inauguration of the exhibition:
This way of spreading the music that is of quality is really beautiful. The story is missing, today as today, and Massimo is missing, apart from personally, but precisely because he was a journalist for whom only the quality was not important, but precisely the story of the music itself. He has always made sure to be able to tell things.
Transmitting the experience is the main thing, it allows us not to repeat the same errors and if we are listening to a lot of shit around this moment, it is because for years this flow of transmission of the experience has been stopped.
The media also have a great responsibility, because journalists with Massimo's ethics, with Massimo's will, to take also critical positions, but still in -depth and not superficial, are less and less. Those who are struggling to work. So it is a very strong message that of this exhibition, the one that leaves us is a very strong message.
There is a new generation of boys who have aged 15 to 30 who are starting to play without having the myth of money and success at all costs. They do it because playing makes them feel good, they do it because they want to find their own language with which to communicate.
I think they will have to build a world apart to be able to continue to express themselves freely and Massimo is a great example for those who want to tell these stories.

In the two -day Milanese, in addition to the photographic exposure, there will be a series of collateral events, including Meetings with artists, talk and Music Selectionthus offering an in -depth overview of musical culture and storytelling linked to the world of rock.
Saturday 22 March from 19.00 to 22.00 Music Selection with Thek.
In addition, on the small stage inside the exhibition itinerary a collaboration will come to life with what in Milan is in all respects a laboratory, a cultural incubator designed to create opportunities for growth, namely the GermsManuel Agnelli's place.
At 19.30 the electroacoustic duo formed by Kalumetpseudonym of Luca Santuccio, And Andrea “Tommi” Puricelli. At 20.30 is the turn of Andrea Daniele, aka Columnsin acoustic duo with Yuri Mapelli.
Sunday 23 March, at 6.00 pm there will be the Closing Talk conducted by Alteria (Virgin Radio) With Henry Ruggeri, Mattia Priori and Chiara Buratti. From 19.00 to 22.00 Music Selection with Toky (Virgin Radio). At 20.00, however, Alteria, Chiara Buratti and a surprise guest will speak.
Among the project initiatives Pictures of you, Also The book of the same namepublished by Gallucci publisher In the Sounds Good series, with the photographs of Henry Ruggeri and Massimo Cotto's texts.
Even with the book, framing the photos with the app, you can experience the experience as in the exhibition.

In Pictures of you In addition to magic, the professionalism and passion of all those involved in the project arrives powerful: first of all Henry, Chiara, Massimo, Mattia Priori (creative director of Rebel House), but not only. And the desire to make the result of their commitment and work is equally powerful to share, to share something enormously beautiful, such as music. Which is a muse, it is an art, but it is made by men and women with sometimes well complex personalities, but to whom most of us owe a lot. Joy, fun, reflection, feeling understood, the memory. And in some cases, life. It is a true and generous exhibition. Not to be missed.
Of the thousand things he told me when I interviewed him, there is one that attached me to the skin like a tattoo: “If you want to read a book you need two days, if you want to watch a movie you need two hours, but if you want to listen to a song, three minutes are enough for you and they are enough to change your life.” This is the great miracle of rock! Words of Massimo Cotto who tells a moment of the interview with Bruce Springsteen … one of the many gifts of Massimo.
Thanks Henry, Chiara, Mattia. Massimo, you will always be with us!
Daniel D`Amico for SANREMO.FM