- Band:
MODERN RITES - Duration: 00:40:58
- Available from: 08/30/2024
- Label:
Beware of the Dead
The return of Modern Rites to the recording studio is marked by the same credentials as their recent debut “Monuments”, released a few years ago: it is in fact always Debemur Morti Productions that takes care of the publication of the material recorded by the duo Katalyst/Archytekt (a mysterious duo actually active independently in other realities such as Kuyashi and Aara), a rather intense concentration of atmospheric black metal that looks favorably on contamination and musical progress within the genre.
Once past the suspended piano notes of the prelude, a few minutes will be enough to understand that we are not in front of yet another band that is an epigone of cold Norwegian black metal: our guys' attitude is instead completely devoted to the modernity of the most recent extreme productions, focusing almost entirely on the depth of certain 'ambient' guitars, on the massive synthesizer interventions and on the obstinate solfeggios of the drums, often neglecting the important contribution of the riff in terms of character and recognisability.
The title track, as well as the following “Lost Lineage”, flow away supported by the sumptuous sound system without actually leaving tangible signs, small melodic hints that are found sporadically in “Veil Of Opulence”, a distinctive episode that loses its strength already in the following “Becoming”, certainly the most alluring song of the lot, but also the most evident departure from a certain black root that makes the path of “Endless” coherent. It is no coincidence, perhaps, that they return to push hard with the most violent blast-beats of “For Nothing”, a song finally marked by the presence of some notable riffs and a successful bridge to “Autonomy”, probably the best expression of melodic black-core interpreted by the international duo, which puts together with the conclusive “Philosophenweg” a series of more emotional and atmospheric hits, a subject in which the band undoubtedly excels.
The thin, almost intangible substratum of the sound is then accompanied by a vocal style that is much closer, in terms of metrics and techniques used, to that of deathcore and post metal, focused only on dark guttural assaults marked by fast and martial rhythms that never recall the prolonged and acute wails of pain contained in the best black metal albums.
Cold and distant, Modern Rites dispense synthetic atmospheres that are not very incisive, despite a fine workmanship and an accurate study of their sound. If you love the work of Gaerea, Uada and certain Mgła, you will surely find an interesting listen in the folds of “Endless”, while we recommend giving it a miss if you are used to a more feral and destructive approach to extreme metal.
Daniel D`Amico for SANREMO.FM