The composer Matteo Buzzancapupil of Ennio Morricone And Louis Bacalovcomposed the entire soundtrack of the film Prophecydirected by Jacopo Rondinelli with Damiano Gavinoinspired by the manga of Tetsuya Tsutsui.
The soundtrack is available, for Metatronon all digital platforms.
“The prophecy soundtrack was born from the encounter between two apparently distant genres: the action and the comedy. I wanted to avoid conventional solutions, building a sound inspired by electronic music, in line with the soul of the film and the world of young hackers protagonists. I tried an original approach, capable of returning the energy, irony and tear of history with a very dynamic musical language, often mixing in a way unexpected”
Matteo Buzzanca – Film Prophecy
The protagonist of the story is Paperboya mysterious individual whose face hidden by a sheet of newspaper appears in short videos on the web in which he denounces injustices and news storing, announced the punishment of the culprits.
His character is played by Damiano Gavinoflanked by Federica Sabatini, Ninni Bruschetta, Haroun Fall, Denise Tantucci And Giulio Greco.
Produced with the support of Film Commission Turin Piedmont, Prophecy It is distributed in Italian cinemas exclusively by Nexo Studios in collaboration with the media partners Radio Deejay, MyMovies, Lucca Comics & Games, pop culture and JPOP.
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