LDA Delete the photos from Instagram while his team publishes a cryptic message in which he invites, among other things, not to spread fake news. Fans are anxious. Is the new single come about?
In the past few hours, the Instagram profile of Luca D'Alessioaka LDAhas been completely emptied of any content. His team has announced that the singer at the moment cannot manage the profile directly. The message, probably part of a marketing strategy for the launch of the new single, triggered the concern of the fans and generated several criticisms on the web, forcing the staff to publish a second press release.
LDA He has been missing from the record market for almost a year. It was in fact May 2024 when he published the individual Raspberry redand the time seems to come for the songwriter to return with new music.
The message of the LDA team
After the cancellation of the posts, a textual image has been inserted with this message:
“Important communication from the LDA staff
“At this moment we have its profile in hand, given the impossibility of Luca to use the phone. We will update you tomorrow to explain the dynamics that have led to this situation.
We ask for respect for privacy and not to disseminate Fake news given the delicacy of the moment. We ask you fan to remain united in this situation. Thank you all for your understanding.“
Among the many messages of encouragement by the fans, there was no lack of negative comments that appeared under the post. Here are some:
“I hope this is not a marketing move because it would be completely unpleasant …“And again”What is the point of erase everything? Bah, advertising gimmick?“
Following these reactions, the team published a second message to reassure fans:
“We want to reassure everyone that Luca is fine. The circumstances that lead to not being able to use the phone do not concern health. Luca is fine, so don't worry and, as mentioned above, do not circulate Fake news“.”
LDA, the fake news and the new single
Even if there are no official communications at the moment, we can reassure the fans of the singer -songwriter: LDA It is fine. The change of the profile image with a total black And the elimination of the contents seem part of a precise communication strategy to generate hype around the announcement of the new single. A widely used approach abroad and which has also taken hold in Italy in recent years.
Apparently, the new song could have a more introspective and less sunny tone than the sounds to which LDA He got used to it. It should also be noted that in both messages the word Fake news It is written in red and in capital lettersunlike the rest of the text. Could this be the title of the new single?