After announcing, on October 23, to have to stop to take care of himself, “putting health in the first place“, And having had – consequently – cancel both the Italian and European tour, Angelina Mango He returns to social media with a carousel and a reflection, which should not go unnoticed.
In fact, in recent years the tendency to document whatever happens on social networks, even if of unsolved importance, transforming one's daily life into a cauldron from which to draw continuously to create social content has been affirmed more and more.
The result? If not “places“Nothing for a while, stop existing. And this is precisely the focus of the reflection made by Angelinawho writes:
“Sometimes people don't even take a shower if they don't have to go out or post something on social media. In this period in which 'exist' a little less publicly, I realized that I really exist, also in reality. I am alive and it's a nice discovery.
I prepare, I dress, I make up every morning, even if I will not take photos or videos to confirm my presence in the world. I am discovering a lot of things that can be done and that belong to reality. Out of 10 photos taken, it publishes 1, but sometimes the reality is precisely in the other 9 ″.