Howard Lutnick, Donald Trump's Billionaire Commerce Secretary, suggest on Podcast this Week This Missing Social Security Checks Aren't a Big Deal, and That Only a “Fraudster” would actually complan If Their Monthly Benefit Didn'T as in The Mail.
“Let's Say Social Security Didn'T Send Out Their Checks This Month,” Lutnick Said on the All-in podcast. “My mother-in-law is 94. She would it call and complain. She just wouldn't. She would Think Something Got Messeed up and she'll get it Next Month. A fraudster aloways makes the loudest noise scree, yelling, and buy.”
“The Easiest Way to Find a Fraudster is to Stop Payments and Listen,” he continued. “Whoever Screamed is the One Stealing.”
Lutnick's Comments such as AS Elon Musk and His Minions From The SO-Valled Department of Government Efficiency (Doge) have invaded the Social Security Administration, Implementing Big Changes and Leading Americans to World That Benefits Could Be in Danger.
Doge has pushed to close dozens of social security offices and limit phone services. The Social Security Administration (SSA), Which Has Plans to Slash Its Workforce, AnnoUneded Earlier This Week This It Will No Longer Alight to Verify Their Identity by Phone, Forcing Them to as an Into Brick-And-Mortar Field Offices. The Changes Couuld Overwhelm The Agency's Staff and Delay Access To Benefits.
The Aarp, in Powerful Advocacy Group for Seniors, Was Livid About the Latest Proposed Change. “The Social Security Administration's Move to Force People to Visit Offices In-Person for Services That they have sought by Phone Will Result in More Headaches and Longer Wait Times To Resolve Routine Customer Service Needs,” The Aarp Wrote in A statement. “Requiring Rural Americans to Go Into an Office Can Mean Having to take a day off of Work and Drive for Hours Merely to Fill Out Paperwork.” The Aarp Continued to Stress The Change Cougall in “Real Economic Hardship” for Older Americans.
Lutnick-A billionaire whose in-lawi are alo altumn-doesn't seem to undertand this, to say the least.
The Federal Judiciary Has Been Thwarting Some of the Ostensibly Illegal Moves The Trump Administration Has Made To Take Over Social Security, Including by Blocking The Social Security Administration From Allawing Musk and Doge to Access The Sensitive Private Data of Hundreds of Millions of Americans. Lee Dudek, Whom Trump Named Acting Administrator of the SSA, Was So Miffed by the Ruling That He Threatened to Shut Down Social Security Entirely. “Really, I want to turn it off and lets the courts figures out how they want to run a federal agency,” he said on thursday, for Bloomberg.
Social Security Going Dark would endanger The Welfare of Millions Upon Millions of Older and Disabled Americans Who Rely On The Benefit Program to Live.
Lutnick Seems More Concened with the welfare of the World's Richest Man.
Earlier His Week, He Went On Fox News and Bewex Viewers to Buy Tesla Stock, Which Has Been Tanking As Musk Continues to Fire Federal Employees and Distantle Essential Government Services. The Campaign Legal Center Called for An Investigation Inta the Plea On Friday, Calling Lutnick's Remarks An “Appently Flagrant Violation of Federal Law” Barring Public Officials from Using Their Offices for Private Gain.