The campaign of Crowdfunding launched in order to support the new project of Gianni Moroccolowho decided to share The transcriptions of his parts of 100 songs of his career from Litfiba, passing from CCCP faithful to the line, CSI, Pgr, Marlene Kuntz, Claudio Rocchi and many othersreaching until today.
The bass notor It will be a valuable book, in large format e illustrated With annotations, additional information and indications. To embellish it a preface-prelude of Telmo Pievani.
In addition to this, following the thread of the selected songs, it will be published Memoirs of a bass notora book of 100 stories written entirely by Gianni Moroccolo through which to retrace his career and their history through anecdotes, reflections, personal chronicles. Will contain a preface-proologist of the writer Sacha Naspini and a afterword of Giuseppe Pioncaauthor of the Morocculatorywhich you already know.
Finally, available only on the occasion of the crowdfunding campaign, the box Flight Case In number and autographed limited edition that contains, in addition to the two books, a file with the transcriptions of an additional 20 songs and the digital download of Corda, a collection of new unpublished songs by Gianni Moroccolo.
To support him in this scrupulous work Mur Rougeauthor of the YouTube channel of the same name in which Gianni's low technique, and the 'bassistic technique, through video tutorials,Lionello Nardon illustrator who made the covers and all the graphic devices.
In addition to other details on these books you can discover other exclusive rewards on
Everyone's contribution will be essential to bear production costs.
The invitation is to unite and become co-producers of The bass notor!

Some shares of Marok to accompany the project.
A 50 -year long dream: “The bass notor”
Music is not just my job: it's my life. I would never have imagined to become a musician, nor that this passion would allow me to live dignity. It happened without realizing it; Between desaparecido and 17re understood that life and music had chosen for me. So it was also for the bass, a tool that has been playing for 50 years!
As a boy I stroke the guitar, but by chance I found myself having to play the bass at a school essay. From that day we have become a “one” along a journey of notes, compositions, collaborations, concerts, records and productions. A path full of experiences shared with those who have passionate about my music and my bass laps. I started as self -taught, trying to reproduce the musical parts I listened to ear. Then I studied: stairs, fingering, dynamics, use of the plotter, pinched, ropes and stamps.
In the 70s I explored the double bass and studied the rudiments of harmony and composition. At that time I listened to everything, I discovered Battiato, the Krautrock, Zappa. I was so fascinated by the sound that I decided to attend the experimental course of phonology and electronic music at the Conservatory. Before the birth of the Litfiba, I played everywhere, looking for a group to join and, After so much wandering and various experiments, I found myself together with Antonio Aiazzi and Francesco Calamai in the cellar of Ghigo Renzulli. From that day my life has changed.

Basso: special tool
It is a unique tool. However, it is not very striking and often not very recognizable, however, it contains infinite creative and sound potential. It has a character similar to mine: reserved, discreet, button. It has become the ideal “means” to express me and share what Ferretti calls “the pleasure of music”.
A vehicle to transmit emotions, to explore, to connect with others. I do not consider myself a great bassist, nor a virtuoso. I live the bass like a generator of sounds: the instrument that translates my suggestions into music and that, for this reason, I have always played and manipulated in a little orthodox way.
From bassist to “s (u) on bass”
I believe that the electric bass is destined to disappear over time, as happened to other curbons tools. While attracted by the mutations and the evolution of sound and musical instruments, I continue to love this piece of electrified wood for its unique character, which made me what they are. It is surprising and embarrassed to receive a lot of affection, certificates of esteem and congratulations.
But I admit that he is also exciting, especially for one who has chosen to stay away from the spotlight. Music, at least for me, is a serious matter.
Thank you very much to everyone.
Marok / The bass notor
Daniel D`Amico for SANREMO.FM