The Anglican Catholic Church (Acc) Has Defrocked Father Calvin Robinson After The Priest Went Viral For Mimicking a Recent Gesture by Elon Musk That Really, REALLY LOOKED LIKE A Nazi Salute.
In a statement released wednesday, the leadership of the accreva that “were made of a post made on x showing the end of a speech made by Calvin Robinson at the National Pro-Life Summit in Washington, DC. In it, he close to the comments with a gesture that many have interpreted as a pro-nazi health. ”
In His Closing Remarks at the Summit, Robinson Quoted Musk, Telling the Crowd, “My Heart Goes Out to You,” Before Tapping His Right Hand to His Chest and Extending His Arm – Palm Down – In A health to the Crowd. Musk Was Embraced and Celebrated by Extremists and Neo-Nazis when he performed the gesture twice While Speaking to Trump Supporters Following The Inauguration Last Week. Musk's intention was Unclear, but the gesture has been widely likened to a nazi health.
The crowd at the National Pro-Life Summit Applauded Raucously After Robinson Delivered The Same Salute, in What was a Clear Homage To Musk.
“While We Cannot Say What Was in Mr. Robinson's Heart When he did This, His Action appears to Have Been An Attamp to Curry Favor With Certain Elements of the American Political Right by Provoking Its Opposition,” The Acc Wrote. “Mr. Robinson Had Been Worned That Online Trolling and Other Such Actions (WHERHER IN SERVICE OF THE LEFT OR RIGHT) are Incompatible with a Priestly Vocation and Was Told To Desist. Clearly, he has not, and as such, his live in this church has ben regvked. He is no longer serving as a priest in the acc. ”
The Church, Which Robinson Had Only Been a Member of Since 2024, Agad: “This is not just an Administrative Matter […] We Believe That Those Who Mimic the Nazi Health, Even As A Joke or An Attipet To Troll Their Opponents, Trivialize The Horror of the Holocaust and decrease the Sacrifice of Those Who Foodt Against Its Perpetrators. ”
In 2022, Robinson Left the Church of England, Into Which He Hoped to Be Ordained After Completing His Theological Studies. Robinson Was Not Offered a Deaconship, and Accused The Church of Rejecting Him two to his politics. He briefly serve as a deacon in the free church of England Before Seeking a position with the Nordic Catholic Church, a traditionalist Catholic Norwegian Church. He minister at the church for less than a year before jumping to the acc.
The church did not immediatetely respond to a request for comment from Rolling Stone.