Emis Killa has published Demonsthe song he was supposed to present in Sanremo 2025. involved in the investigation into the ultras of Milan, he then retired.
«I learn today from the newspapers that I am investigated (only the Daspo has been notified to me, which is an administrative and non -criminal act) and if this will correspond to the truth it will be important that the investigation does its course and the judiciary can work in serenity Without controversy or pressure and media circuses, “he announced last Wednesday. «After 15 years of career I was happy to face my first Sanremo. I thank Carlo Conti for wanting me but I prefer to take a step back and don't participate ».
Demons It is a written love song with Federica Abbate, Mattia Cerri and Nicola Lazzarin (cryst): “Yes I seem crazy I know / and maybe sometimes I am / but you are the end of the world / and for the end of the world I will put myself Comfortable / yes I am crazy I know / I will go to hell alone / and I am outside of me but still made of you / under a rain of Molotov “.
The rapper also announced a new concert at Fiera Milano Live. «Since I skipped a big event along my path I had to remedy it. See you on 10 September at Fiera Milano Live. Tickets available on Wednesday from 4pm ».
As for the investigation, stopped by a journalist of The state of affairsMassimo Giletti's program broadcast on Rai 3, Emis Killa said he wasn't worried. «Clearly I would have preferred to go to Sanremo. I don't think these frequentations have damaged me. I only shared friendship with them. I am only investigated at the moment, I'm not worried ». On common business: «What's wrong? Barberia is a lawful stuff, I did nothing strange ».
Emis Killa, recipient of a Daspo who prevents him from entering the Italian stadiums for three years, was present at the beating of an employee who wanted to prevent the entrance to San Siro to an ultras without a ticket. “They contest this danger, because I was present when there was a scrum at the stadium. I am not part of this scuffle, they are several meters behind. So the danger where is it? I have never gave up a slap in the stadium. That's all I can say ».