The film, which recently won an award, will premiere on the second anniversary of the massacre
A new documentary, Print It Blackwill look at how Uvalde Leader-News journalists covered the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in 2022. A trailer for the film, which premieres on ABC News Live and Hulu at 8 pm ET on May 24, shows the stress and devastation the staff felt in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, beginning with reporter Kimberly Mata-Rubio, who lost her daughter, Alexandria, in the massacre.
A two-minute clip shows Mata-Rubio's grief, as well as the public cries for justice that followed the massacre, which was made worse by a delay on the part of local authorities to act after the shooting began. It also shows how the newspaper reported the story, investigating police amid a public outcry from people hoping to move forward after the tragedy. “I worry about my staff,” an uncredited man, likely an editor or a publisher, says. “I can tell that they're feeling it, and I hate that for 'em.”
“We're honored that Kim Rubio and the staff of the Uvalde Leader-News allowed our team into their worlds in a period of staggering grief,” Cindy Galli, executive producer of ABC News' Investigative Unit, said in a statement. “This documentary is the embodiment of our initiative to remain in Uvalde and share with the world how it grieved, struggled, rose up and inspired. No community should ever be defined by a tragedy that befalls it.”
The doc premiered at the Dallas International Film Festival earlier this month and won the Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary Feature.