It's been more than a decade since Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel performed together at the American Film Institute in Los Angeles for an evening tribute to Mike Nichols.
Meanwhile, Art Garfunkel struggled for four years to recover his voice after being diagnosed with vocal cord paresis, followed by a Simon & Garfunkel North American tour that never materialized and Garfunkel's public denunciation of his former bandmate .
In any case, this long battle between the two seems to have finally reached its end. Speaking with the SunGarfunkel said he recently met with Simon for the first time in years. Although he did not specify what brought them together, the description of their meeting was positive. “It was very, very warm, it was wonderful,” she told the newspaper. «There were some tears. At a certain point I cried because I felt I had hurt him.”
Garfunkel also added that “there were hugs” and that “he has been keeping the memory of this lunch” with Simon for two weeks.
When asked if the two had talked and remembered the highly successful period of the 1960s – during which they released the extraordinary The Sound of Silence and two songs that won Grammys such as Mrs. Robinson And Bridge Over Troubled Water (technically published in 1970) – Garfunkel replied: “No, we didn't. That speaks for itself.”
Translation from Rolling Stone US.