Article by Marzia Picciano
I have few certainties in life and some of them have recently been confirmed. It happens as soon as I close the very long phone call with ASCOart name of Alessandro XIUEREF, Very young DJ and internationally renowned producer who will perform on the stage of Fabrique The next February 23rdlover of Armin Van Buuren and the charismatic energy of Martin Garrix.
While he speaks to me, equally energetically, about how he passed by organizing evenings for friends in the Ascoli province (hence the name) to convince the municipal administration just after the end of Covid 19 to create a maxi concert with a orchestra, to play for the Festivals-international, eh-of electronic-house-her music in the world, such as theUltra by Miami or the Balaton Sounds and attract the attention of DJs like Sandern van doorn And Blasterjaxx.
First certainty: you have to believe it, but really a lot.
And then you have to be ready for anything, and be not so lucky, but desire to work. ASCO And Just so, not only when you are feeling it in the headphones or under the cash or stage. Adrenaline, load, and extremely focused. On what? What he does, his work of art: Symphony of chaos.

But what? An intuition, an innovative project, as is the rest of Asco: it brings together orchestra, techno and fire. It is a multisensory experience that has built gradually, until he directs it: with the orchestra and the Basso Ventidio Choir in front of. Which seems absurd, or outside the box – perhaps too much compared to what we do here in Italy?
But Asco has shown that he can do it. And yes will try Here too, in what ASCO considers an iconic point of Italian electronic music. Which in a certain way is a conquest, but certainly not a point of arrival. Because to hear Alessandro, there are no definitive destinations.
Just know and understand a bit like ASCO in Alessandro was born.
“I were born in the very small, chasored, Ascoli Piceno, where we say those activities (that of doing electronic music ed), or opportunitiesto To express themselves there are not many, as in many Italian provinces. But for me, actually being born in a small province was an extra stimulus“He tells us. “It was a plus in my opinion. Because then when I started making music, for fun (ASCO started by making music for a video game for PlayStation), in reality I had never studied music, indeed I had tried as a child but a little bored me, and I was a little afraid to find out. I was very shy and therefore I had never considered music in general“.
The discovery of electronics is a real turn, also for its perception as a nerd. “When I faced in a slightly more serious way the musical production on the computer, I discovered that it was something that my friends liked and that one of the first things that he could be appreciated of what I was doing in life. So I found a relief valve in the music, something to feel appreciated for“.
And from there we start. From the province to the capital.
“I started to organize evenings because in my small province we say there were no discos, so the only way was to take a pub organizing and then I also let myself go to that of this that I had found me do the Pr of myself. There I realized that I could reach a little bit so many things in my path“.

Except that in the meantime the dreams have enlarged, coming to incorporate what are the references of the sector. “I had become a gigantic fan of Radio M2o, So I finished the school I left everything and I moved to Rome. I introduced myself under the radio with a pack of Ascoli olives like Welcome and they opened my doors“How to resist such a proposal? “I understood that buzzing around that radio .. maybe I would have made it to conquer that dream of working on it. Three years later I started working on m2o“. And there he remained six years.
A true first love, of those who do not end, but evolve.
Several record releases bear its name under the famous Spinnin 'Recordsand M2o is paused. But only that. When Covid arrives “Stop everything, but I don't stop my creativity“. Alessandro creates a label, a radio, all anagrams of his name, CHAOS. It starts with the live streams in attractive locations taking for example not so much the compatriots but from Dutch and Americans who performed in spectacular locations, looking for contamination with other acts on stage such as waders, musicians, classical dance.
Covid ends and finds an ally in the mayor of Ascoli. “I had this ball that had remained when I started producing music: I had seen a Live by Armin Van Buuren who played an orchestra. It would be incredible to make a live with an orchestra! “. The inspiration was already partially real. “In the same period a orchestral song of mine (“Leak“) Had been synchronized by Gopro for an advertising spot and had become iconic. I said to myself: I almost make this song with an orchestra and a lyrical choir“.
Symphony of chaos is born. And also his direction.
Asco chased his project as an entrepreneur follows his crazy, yet perfectly achievable idea. Promoted to full votes by those who support it and above all by encouraging to do more. “The first was my dad who said, after the first show: But why don't you lead you the orchestra? He wasn't joking. I told him, laughing, that it was not possible because my path of study did not allow me, I was not able. Instead, then, after the third edition, the coordinator of my orchestra said to me: but why don't you say it? I told him the same thing, I launched. But he mice: study it as you did with all our things in your life, you did yourself alone, study this thing too and you will see that you take home a show where you are the conductor“.
Time to learn, trace the lessons of Vito Lo Kingconductor, online (ah, the power of the network), reaching him twice a week in Novara for lessons, learn learning to learn, and realizing what I perhaps ACO in his apprenticeship as a resident and DJ has always fantasized to do, taking up a little his being a teenager with the fix for Slipknot And classical music (we all passed, moreover).

When he talks about Symphony of chaosAsco gets excited. The same emotion he sees in people's faces. “It is incredible. I saw people in tears for the emotion that can put a show like this“. Which is then an immense team work. “This is a much bigger project than many things I do in life, which are a bit of a one man show. Instead there is a teamwork here, where there is a spectator, there is a director of the choir, there is a director of the orchestra, there are a billion figures who work to create such a show like that large“.
Which is not easy to be DJ and manage an orchestra.
“In all honesty, the people with whom I interfaced … maybe they found in me an enthusiasm that was engaging, but in reality I made little difficulty finding figures who refused the project“. A surprise? “When a DJ presents itself to a multi-racy orchestrator that makes stuff at an incredible level and the DJ says: this thing is not good for me, fails differently, the risk of a ma-vai-maker-paese is enormous … I consider myself lucky to have met my orchestrator, Andrea Filippucci. An incredible figure, who knew how to steal the fact that my artistic sensitivity could be an added value in the structure“.”
The real magic in the symphony of the chaos of Asco And This synergy with all that is culture. In his shows there are many covers, he refers to a common background that on the one hand emotions, on the other loads. Compared to those who work in the world of culture, says Alessandro “I've never found a barrier. Indeed the cultural world has married and completely embraced this project“.”
Before even the world of ASCO, that EDMThere And arrived later. Above all – and paradoxically – in Italy. “In a remote city of Japan I see in front of me people who know I am memory my songs and sing them, I tell me: Oh, my God. And I am a niche artist, I am not a mainstream artist, but I recognize that I have done many moreù Gived abroad, from 2017 onwards, that in the great Italian festivals“.
He says it not with bitter irony: But here is the bet of ASCO for Fabrique (for now already partially confirmed by the almost vanished tickets), bring a breath to the national scene, dare. “I bring my orchestral contest which is something new, fresh, of innovative that people have never heard or lived before“. And we can't wait.
Daniel D`Amico for SANREMO.FM