Given Her Two Albums and Tours With Robert Plant, Including One Last Summer, It's Easy to Forget That Alison Krauss is in another Band Too, and Has Been for a While. On March 28, we will be reminded with the release of ArcadiaThe First Album in 14 years by Krauss and Union Station, Her Longtime Acoustic Band.
Billed as an album of songs that are “Contemporary Reflection on History,” Arcadia Features Tunes Written by an array of writers, including JD McPherson and Sarah Siskind (whose “Simple Love” was included on an Earlier Krauss Album). The Song Titles Alone-“The Hangman,” “Granite Mills,” “Richmond on the James,” “North Side Gal”-Conjure a Mythic Dust-Bowl America. “The stories of the past are told in this music,” Krauss Said in a statement. “It's That Who Idea of 'In the good Old Days When Times Were Bad.' There's So Much Bravery and Valor and Loyalty and Dreaming, of Family and Themes of Human Existance That Were Told in A Certain Way Where Our Grandparents Were Alive. Someone Asked me, 'How do you these tragic tunes?' I have to. It's in Calling. And I want to hear what happened. ”
Arcadia Marks Krauss' First Album With Union Station, The Band She Joined As A Teenger, Since Paper Airplane Back in 2011. In The Years that Followed, Krauss Thought Outside The Musical Box: She Made A More Jauntily Produced Country-And-Otherwise Covers Album, 2017's Windy Cityand reunited with Plant for 2021's Raise the RoofThe long-overdue follow-up to their Raising Sand. Her Live Performance With Plant Unleashed Another Element of Her Singing and Fiddle Playing, Removed from the More Austere Work She's Done On Her Own and with Union Station.
Along with a Return to Her Acoustic-Music Roots, Arcadia Also Introduces a Slightly Tweiked Version of Union Station. Singer, Guitarist, and Mandolin Player Russell Moore, formerly of the Bluegrass band IIIird Tyme Out, is now part of the ensemble Along with Its Other Longtime members – Dobro Player Jerry Douglas, Bassist Barry Bales, and Guitrist and Banjo Player Ron Block. On April 17, The Band Will Start a Lengthy Tour That is Currently Slad to Continue Through the End of September.
Arcadia Is being preview with its first singles, “Looks like the end of the road,” Which spotlights krauss' undiminished soprano and has the lulling ache of her previo work with the band. In Light of the Jarring Transition of Power in DC Right Now, The Song's Chorus – “Goodbye to the world that I know/looks like the end of the road” – Could serve as an unintentional soundtrack to whatever lies ahead. When We Last Heard from Her and Union Station, after all, Donald Trump was iron best known as the host of The Celebrity Apprentice.