The first edition of I sing seniorprogram conducted on mediaset networks from Gerry Scotti and dedicated to the over 45 voices, has its winner … Alessandro Rea.
Friday 31 January, in the early evening on Canale 5the final of I sing seniorthe talent show with the artistic direction of Roberto Cenci. To triumph was Alessandro Reawho beat the other finalists, conquering the prize pool of 30,000 euros in gold tokens.
To decree the victory was the super jury composed of Iva Zanicchi, Orietta Berti, Claudio Amendola And Fabio Rovazziflanked by the fifth judge Chiara Tortorella And from the vote of the public in the studio, made up of one hundred people.
Alessandro Rea's path in the final of Io Senior Single
The final was a real musical marathon, with twelve competitors in the race. After the first heat, Alessandro was in the middle of the standings, but with an intense performance he managed to go up the ranking. The duet with Fausto Leali on Kiss and the interpretation of his workhorse, Delilah Of Tom Joneshave conquered public and jury, allowing him to reach the summit with 160 points.
This is the final ranking of the first edition of I sing senior:
- Alessandro Rea – 160 points
- Saba de Rossi – 113 points
- Giorgio Zuccolo – 107 points
- Gabriele Paolucci – 95 points
Who is Alessandro Rea?
Alessandro Rea47 years old, is assistant head of the prison police in the prison of Rebibbia, in Rome. Since he was a child he cultivated his passion for music and an anecdote told by the mother live has excited the public: at two years old, he ran away from the house with a guitarrine to sing a serenade to his grandmother.
Despite talent, life led him to choose a different path from music. However, it was his mother who convinced him to participate in the casting of I sing seniorreporting the program and pushing him to register. “I didn't want to start this path, but once convinced, it was an incredible experience“, Alessandro said after the victory.
The man closed the evening by dedicating his last performance, My way d Frank Sinatrato the Father.
Appointment at the second edition of the program … The final of the first edition was followed by 2,159,000 with 15.94% share.