- Bands:
ANCIENT MALIGNITY - Duration: 00:34:00
- Available from: 01/10/2024
- Label:
Inhuman Assault Productions
Streaming not yet available
In a year that, thanks to the latest efforts of Antichrist Siege Machine, Heresiarch, Primitive Warfare and Prehistoric War Cult, has demonstrated how even war metal can retain a certain amount of ingenuity and dynamism, a work like “Dehumanization Dawn” emerges from the smoke screen of the battlefield to seize the vein and bring it back to its primordial dimension.
The second full-length from the Nevada formation – a trio of musicians also active in other similar bands such as Triumph, Ritual Genocide and Blood Division – is in fact the classic work resulting from the seminal work of Blasphemy who are not interested in testing themselves from one point from a compositional point of view, nor even offer some atmospheric digressions (think of the recent “Edifice”) capable of describing a mood different from the pounding hatred, in which the lesson of the Canadian skinheads, with the exception of a more generically death graphic design metal, is followed with sacred respect, including a mosquito-like production clearly inspired by that of a “Fallen Angel of Doom”.
We are therefore faced with a full half hour of music with a pugnacious and obsessive pace; a mix of black/death/thrash, indeed a more 'orderly' thread than that spewed out by Nocturnal Grave Desecrator and Black Winds and their companions during their debut, but which still keeps its spirit and intentions very intact, in the name of a proposal based on a sparse riffing and a rhythm section that tends to limit itself to pounding with the linearity of a blacksmith.
The sound of Ancient Malignity therefore moves within a barbaric and very narrow perimeter of action (we could also mention the influence of Archgoat, Black Witchery and Profanatica), revealing both rigor and knowledge in its assembly, and a creative vein that is certainly not up to par than that of the names mentioned at the beginning, not going beyond that 'more of the same' and that hard and pure homage on which labels such as Nuclear War Now! or Iron Bonehead Productions have built part of their fortune.
The conclusion of the reasoning, given what has been said, comes almost by itself: if you adore the subgenre and are the first supporters of conservative approaches, then the trio of American warmongers will certainly be for you, even without offering you anything above average ; However, if similar drifts bore you or worse, just move on.
Half measures, as can be seen from the sobriety of titles such as “Indoctrination Terror Offense” and “Pedoswine Obsolescence”, do not exist here.
Daniel D`Amico for SANREMO.FM