Virginio, Black cherries: meaning of the lyrics of the new single
After the release of Black Nighta high-impact summer tour and signing with a new record label High Source (acquired by Sony Music), virginio come back with Black cherriesan unreleased song that presents itself as the natural continuation of the previous single.
From the overwhelming rhythm, Black cherries It has a charge of emotional tension capable of immersing us in the electro-pop atmospheres of the 80s, but with a melody strongly inspired by the songs of great Italian singer-songwriters.
To accompany the release of the song – which will also be released in Spanish on October 18, on the occasion of the Billboard Latin and of the Latin Grammy – there will be a video clip (directed by Annamaria Liguori) which addresses the theme of inclusion telling the stories of three different couples. The first belongs to the LGBTQ+ worldwho by definition has been forced to live their relationships clandestinely for centuries. The second is instead composed of an adult woman and a younger boy, while the third decides to go beyond the different ethnic and cultural origins.
With Black cherries the singer-songwriter tells of a love that should be kept hidden, because it is judged different, unconventional, out of the ordinary.
It is the story of two people who are overwhelmed by a fatal attraction, aware of the impossibility of living it fully. Theirs is in fact a forbidden bond, trapped between desire and fear.
“Black cherries are cherries, but they are bitter. And to love for me, in this song, is also a central verb and sometimes it is bitterness. I thought of this metaphor when I wrote Black cherries. In this piece I talk about when, after the first meeting, you understand that the story could become serious and then you try to push the idea away, you try to escape, but you can't. Instinct, attraction, is something you can't always control.
Who do I dedicate it to? To all those who have found themselves or who find themselves in this condition. To all those who feel judged, mocked, disappointed by something, not free to live. To them I say: if it is what you believe in and you think it is truly worth it, then don't care”.
The text of Black cherries will be available starting from Friday 27th September.